Adult Autism Evaluations

Autism is a developmental and neurological disorder that affects how people communicate with others, learn, and behave.

Autism is a spectrum, meaning symptoms vary in their type and severity. Put another way, no two people with autism have the exact same presentation.

For adults questioning if they may be on the spectrum, a psychological evaluation can be life changing. If you are having difficulties communicating effectively with others, have restricted interests and repetitive behaviors, fear changes, or have challenges with transitions, I truly hope you will consider a free consultation.


Today, the field has moved away from the pathologizing term “disorder” and many autistics believe autism is not a disease or disorder, There is still some debate over person first vs. identity first language. Other medical model terms, such as “high-functioning,” are considered outdated labels and not commonly used. Many times, autism spectrum has been misdiagnosed as obsessive-compulsive disorder, severe social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD (which is in the same class of neurodevelopmental disorders), and even schizophrenia.


Many autism measures currently in use today, including the ADOS and ADI-R, were originally released in 1989 and 1994, respectively. This means that there are entire generations of people that may have missed the opportunity for diagnosis before these instruments were widely used.

My office uses the MIGDAS-2, which was published in 2018. This is a flexible instrument that helps determine sensory and communicative symptoms of autism. Whereas the ADOS-2 is static and can miss adults, especially with people presenting with a level of adaptive functioning success, the MIGDAS-2 provides a structured clinical interview approach that streamlines the diagnostic process for both males and females, regardless of educational history.


Autism tests are not primarily focused on cognitive assessment, unless this is part of the presenting concern (job difficulties, accommodations, etc.). Instead, you will answer questions in structured clinical interviews, self-report forms on an iPad, paper-and-pencil measures, and review important medical and clinical history.

You can expect to receive your results in two weeks, where you will receive recommendations and next steps that may involve social group supports, individual therapy supports, academic or job accommodations, or more.

Most adult clients bring a person that knew them during childhood to the evaluation, although this is not necessary. Many clients bring a family member, friend, counselor, teacher, or coach. Some people have arranged their person call the office at the time of the MIGDAS-2, especially for people living out of state.

The assessment lasts 4-5 hours in total with breaks provided.

Your designated person will be required to stay for approximately 1.5 hours during the MIGDAS-2 structured clinical interview, about 2 hours in total from the start of the evaluation.

If you are in Colorado, please feel free to call or email me with any questions at or sign up below for a free consultation. I look forward to hearing from you -Brian Burgoyne, PsyD


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