Neuropsychological Evaluations

Neuropsychological assessments are designed to examine difficulties with memory, attention, and a decline in cognitive functioning. Evaluations for children and teens include IQ, academic and achievement testing (with ADHD), and behavioral and emotional assessment. An evaluation includes a series of iPad and paper-and-pencil tests, instead of MRI machines.

Adults who may have never been assessed for ADHD concerns may consider a neuropsychological evaluation. Additionally, children and teens with acting out behaviors and challenges in school may consider a neuropsychological evaluation. Aging adults noticing changes in their abilities may also consider a neuropsychological evaluation. Finally, motor vehicle accident survivors experiencing a loss in functioning or people with traumatic brain injury concerns should consider this type of evaluation. These assessments explore activities of daily living and any troubling new cognitive, behavioral, or personality developments. Health and safety practices, as well as independent living skills, are addressed.  

Academic Achievement Testing

Cognitive and Learning evaluations, also known as Academic Achievement Testing, provides an IQ assessment, followed by broad academic achievement testing and focused attention in the domains of mathematics, written expression, and reading to determine specific learning disorders, intellectual disability, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

What is included in a Cognitive and Learning Evaluation:

When you sign up your child or teenager for a 4-hour Cognitive and Learning evaluation, you can expect an IQ assessment, followed by broad academic achievement testing and focused attention in the domains of mathematics, written expression, and reading. Parents or legal guardians will also complete electronic forms on a designated iPad on the day of the evaluation. If you have ever wondered if your child or teen may struggle with ADHD, or a specific learning disorder, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dysgraphia, this evaluation is for you. Reports conclude with targeted, evidence-based treatment recommendations.

What is not included in Cognitive and Learning Evaluations:

Testing for emotional functioning, including symptoms of mood disorders (major depressive disorder), anxiety, and autism spectrum disorder, is not included in a Cognitive and Learning evaluation.

Psychological Evaluations

Psychological evaluations are designed to assess mental health concerns, such as emotional and behavioral health. People who are struggling interpersonally, experience free-floating or specific anxiety, sadness and low moods, or other mental health concerns may consider a psychological evaluation. These assessments aid in diagnosis, provide next steps for therapists and the patient, and often help advance individual therapy.

Autism Spectrum Evaluations

Dr. Burgoyne is trained to administer the ADOS-2, ADI-R, and MIGDAS-2. He accepts new patients ages 12 and older for autism assessments. He is a Certified Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist (ASDCS) through Evergreen Certifications. Autism evaluations usually include a family member or mentor who can speak about the client’s history prior to their current age.

Guardianship Evaluations

Guardians are adults responsible for someone else’s care, education, health, support, and welfare. In the state of Colorado, a person must be age 21 or older.

 Guardianship evaluations are especially useful for people in early adulthood who may have difficulties with medical decision making, due to intellectual or other disabilities. Guardianship evaluations are also offered for aging adults exhibiting diminished cognitive abilities due to the natural aging process, strokes, concerns related to symptoms of dementia concerns, or other accidents or injuries.  

Professional Evaluations

These evaluations are designed to document your specific difficulties, backed up with cognitive and achievement data, to apply for accommodations on professional tests. These may include the ACT, GRE, SAT, MCAT, and LSAT. Please call for more information.

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